The world changed in and since 2020.

As we know, The Great Resignation happened. Workers were leaving their jobs en masse. Companies were struggling to retain their talent at an unprecedented level.

As the labor market started shifting the power from the employer to the employee, finding the right staff members for an insurance agency became an even bigger headache for business owners.

Where have all the good employees gone?

Trying to solve the great resignation is quite a complex equation. Covid-19 has changed the way that employees think about where they ideally want to work. Expected salaries have gone up. The cost to rent or buy an office space has also risen quickly.

Luckily, there is a simpler solution.

Through Remote Insurance Team, you can outsource many insurance tasks at a cost-effective price to well-educated professionals in South Africa. South African workers speak English as their first language and are world-renowned for their hard work ethic.

Globalization has become a whole lot more than a buzzword. Companies are increasingly starting to offer more remote positions as the world becomes that much more connected through technological advances. Jobs that have just become too expensive to pay US workers, can now be outsourced to other countries.

Outsourcing is no longer the niche industry it used to be. It’s slowly merging with the remote working culture in which we find ourselves these days, and dare we say, it’s the perfect marriage. 

The top three perks to outsourcing to South Africa

Outsourcing, in general, can help your business by giving you access to potentially better-quality staff, reduced overhead, flexibility, better turnover times, fewer expenses and considerably fewer labor issues.

But why choose South Africa out of all countries?

South Africa has a robust economy, a hard-working mentality, and an exceptionally friendly atmosphere. The market size of South Africa’s business process outsource (BPO) sector is projected to reach a massive $3.6 billion by 2027. This is the prime time for companies to start outsourcing while the sector is still relatively young.

Here are what we think are the top three reasons to choose South Africa to outsource to:

#1: English is their first language

Due to the historical British influence in South Africa, English is the common language in the country. The South African accent has a warm and neutral tone, which makes it easily understandable by English speakers worldwide.

As opposed to outsourcing your business tasks to teams in countries where English is their second or third language, communicating with your team members in South Africa is an effortless and enjoyable process for both you and your customers.

#2: The Silicon Valley of South Africa

Cape Town is a beautiful city on the coast of South Africa. It also happens to be referred to as “The Silicon Valley of South Africa”. This is because roughly 450 tech firms employ around 40 000 people in the city. It really is South Africa’s tech and innovation hub.

Not only is Cape Town favoured as a destination for outsourcing, but according to the 2022 Ryan Strategic Advisory Front Office CX Omnibus Survey, South Africa tied with India for first place as 2022’s Most Favored CX Offshore Delivery Points.

As a nation that is developing at a rapid pace, South Africa punches well beyond its weight when it comes to expertise and quality on the global stage.

#3: Save on your overhead, increase your profit margin

Let’s take a moment and think about the costs involved in hiring local employees for an insurance agency.

If you work in-person, you’ll need to either rent or buy an office space. You’ll need to pay for the initial purchase and ongoing maintenance of the office and its equipment. When hiring staff, you’ll need to pay American wages, which are significantly more than what you would pay the equivalent staff member in South Africa. Employees are going to expect to be hired on a full-time basis, regardless of whether you have work coming in or not, they are going to be expected to be paid. When there are labor disputes, you may need to fork out a whole lot of cash to cover the legal costs.

All these above issues can be solved through outsourcing with us.

Our professionals have their own equipment and offices. There are no long-term contracts that you’ll need to sign. It’s simple – we work on a project-by-project basis. Whether you need 1 or 100 employees for a project, we can scale up or down your team gracefully. The fees that you’ll pay for our professional’s time is far cheaper than any amount that you’ll pay to the equivalent American employee.

Savings on your overhead and increasing your profit margin isn’t just a pipedream. It’s a possibility, with Remote Insurance Team.

The bottom line

Outsourcing your insurance tasks, such as bookkeeping, quoting, data entry, telemarketing, and social media marketing, to Remote Insurance Team is a no-brainer.

Contact us at or 813-REMOTE-8 to get started.

Published On: July 18th, 2022 /

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